Elite Freeze

Coolsculpting Berkeley

Coolsculpting Berkeley – Elite Freeze® is happy to announce its new location in Berkeley, California, and Elite Freeze® is even happier to announce that it’s bringing CoolSculpting too! Now Berkeley has access to one of the fastest, safest, and easiest weight loss techniques in the bay area! Elite Freeze® and its new CoolSculpting Berkeley location is here to get you the body you need.

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Berkeley is a city known for housing the oldest campus in the University of California school system. Being a college town, Berkeley is a town filled with busy-bodies who need all the time they can get. Luckily, CoolSculpting is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get you in the shape you need. CoolSculpting requires a fraction of time to perform than any other technique, and recovery time is close to nothing. CoolSculpting is the perfect way for any busy person to manage their weight and still have time throughout the day to get what they need done.

Coolsculpting Berkeley

CoolSculpting is a technique turned art by the doctors at Elite Freeze®. The technique works by freezing fat cells in large deposits while leaving other parts of the body untouched. Then, as the fat cells thaw, the body naturally removes them. This causes fat deposits to shrink until they’re gone, leaving you slimmer than before. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, which means no surgery is required. This makes CoolSculpting one of the safest and easiest ways to lose weight. Since the technique is non-invasive, CoolSculpting doesn’t leave scars and has virtually no recovery time! Most clients only need as little as 30 minutes before they can continue on with their day! No scarring, no surgery, and no recovery time makes CoolSculpting the best choice for curbing unwanted fat and getting you on track to a slimmer body. The professionals at Elite Freeze® are standing by and ready to help you learn how CoolSculpting can get you the body you need.

Contact us today for a free consultation